- debug_backtrace — 产生一条回溯跟踪(backtrace)
- debug_print_backtrace — 打印一条回溯。
- error_clear_last — 清除最近一次错误
- error_get_last — 获取最后发生的错误
- error_log — 发送错误信息到某个地方
- error_reporting — 设置应该报告何种 PHP 错误
- restore_error_handler — 还原之前的错误处理函数
- restore_exception_handler — 恢复之前定义过的异常处理函数。
- set_error_handler — 设置用户自定义的错误处理函数
- set_exception_handler — 设置用户自定义的异常处理函数
- trigger_error — 产生一个用户级别的 error/warning/notice 信息
- user_error — trigger_error 的别名
set_error_handler — 设置用户自定义的错误处理函数
set_exception_handler — 设置用户自定义的异常处理函数
接受错误及异常的(如果是文件编译错误是,无法执行的等 是无法接受的)
restore_error_handler — 还原之前的错误处理函数
restore_exception_handler — 恢复之前定义过的异常处理函数。
debug_backtrace — 产生一条回溯跟踪(backtrace)
debug_print_backtrace — 打印一条回溯
这里引用laravel的报错/vendor/filp/whoops/src/Whoops 可以参考下里面涉及到的内容
public function handle() { if (!$this->handleUnconditionally()) { // Check conditions for outputting HTML: // @todo: Make this more robust if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { // Help users who have been relying on an internal test value // fix their code to the proper method if (isset($_ENV['whoops-test'])) { throw new \Exception( 'Use handleUnconditionally instead of whoops-test' .' environment variable' ); } return Handler::DONE; } } $templateFile = $this->getResource("views/layout.html.php"); $cssFile = $this->getResource("css/whoops.base.css"); $zeptoFile = $this->getResource("js/zepto.min.js"); $prettifyFile = $this->getResource("js/prettify.min.js"); $clipboard = $this->getResource("js/clipboard.min.js"); $jsFile = $this->getResource("js/whoops.base.js"); if ($this->customCss) { $customCssFile = $this->getResource($this->customCss); } $inspector = $this->getInspector(); $frames = $this->getExceptionFrames(); $code = $this->getExceptionCode(); // List of variables that will be passed to the layout template. $vars = [ "page_title" => $this->getPageTitle(), // @todo: Asset compiler "stylesheet" => file_get_contents($cssFile), "zepto" => file_get_contents($zeptoFile), "prettify" => file_get_contents($prettifyFile), "clipboard" => file_get_contents($clipboard), "javascript" => file_get_contents($jsFile), // Template paths: "header" => $this->getResource("views/header.html.php"), "header_outer" => $this->getResource("views/header_outer.html.php"), "frame_list" => $this->getResource("views/frame_list.html.php"), "frames_description" => $this->getResource("views/frames_description.html.php"), "frames_container" => $this->getResource("views/frames_container.html.php"), "panel_details" => $this->getResource("views/panel_details.html.php"), "panel_details_outer" => $this->getResource("views/panel_details_outer.html.php"), "panel_left" => $this->getResource("views/panel_left.html.php"), "panel_left_outer" => $this->getResource("views/panel_left_outer.html.php"), "frame_code" => $this->getResource("views/frame_code.html.php"), "env_details" => $this->getResource("views/env_details.html.php"), "title" => $this->getPageTitle(), "name" => explode("\\", $inspector->getExceptionName()), "message" => $inspector->getExceptionMessage(), "previousMessages" => $inspector->getPreviousExceptionMessages(), "docref_url" => $inspector->getExceptionDocrefUrl(), "code" => $code, "previousCodes" => $inspector->getPreviousExceptionCodes(), "plain_exception" => Formatter::formatExceptionPlain($inspector), "frames" => $frames, "has_frames" => !!count($frames), "handler" => $this, "handlers" => $this->getRun()->getHandlers(), "active_frames_tab" => count($frames) && $frames->offsetGet(0)->isApplication() ? 'application' : 'all', "has_frames_tabs" => $this->getApplicationPaths(), "tables" => [ "GET Data" => $this->masked($_GET, '_GET'), "POST Data" => $this->masked($_POST, '_POST'), "Files" => isset($_FILES) ? $this->masked($_FILES, '_FILES') : [], "Cookies" => $this->masked($_COOKIE, '_COOKIE'), "Session" => isset($_SESSION) ? $this->masked($_SESSION, '_SESSION') : [], "Server/Request Data" => $this->masked($_SERVER, '_SERVER'), "Environment Variables" => $this->masked($_ENV, '_ENV'), ], ]; if (isset($customCssFile)) { $vars["stylesheet"] .= file_get_contents($customCssFile); } // Add extra entries list of data tables: // @todo: Consolidate addDataTable and addDataTableCallback $extraTables = array_map(function ($table) use ($inspector) { return $table instanceof \Closure ? $table($inspector) : $table; }, $this->getDataTables()); $vars["tables"] = array_merge($extraTables, $vars["tables"]); $plainTextHandler = new PlainTextHandler(); $plainTextHandler->setException($this->getException()); $plainTextHandler->setInspector($this->getInspector()); $vars["preface"] = "<!--\n\n\n" . $this->templateHelper->escape($plainTextHandler->generateResponse()) . "\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n-->"; $this->templateHelper->setVariables($vars); $this->templateHelper->render($templateFile); return Handler::QUIT; }
<?php include_once 'B.class.php'; class A { private $handle; public function __construct() { $this->handle = new B(); } function triggerError() { return $this->handle->triggerError(); } function throwException() { return $this->handle->throwException(); } }
<?php include_once 'C.class.php'; class B { private $handle; public function __construct() { $this->handle = new C(); } function triggerError() { return $this->handle->triggerError(); } function throwException() { return $this->handle->throwException(); } }
<?php class C { function triggerError() { trigger_error("this is an error", E_USER_ERROR); } function throwException() { throw new \Exception("this is an exception"); } }
<?php include_once 'common.php'; function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { echo "<b>My ERROR</b> [$errno] $errstr<br />\n"; echo " Fatal error on line $errline in file $errfile"; echo ", PHP " . PHP_VERSION . " (" . PHP_OS . ")<br />\n"; echo "Aborting...<br />\n"; $traces = debug_backtrace(false); formatBackTrace($traces); exit(1); } function myExceptionHandler(Exception $exception) { echo "Uncaught exception: ", $exception->getMessage(), "\n"; $traces = $exception->getTrace(); formatBackTrace($traces); exit(1); } function formatBackTrace($traces) { echo "<hr/>\r\n"; foreach ($traces as $trace) { // Show Function if($trace['function']){ echo sprintf( 'at %s%s%s(%s)', isset($trace['class']) ? parse_class($trace['class']) : '', isset($trace['type']) ? $trace['type'] : '', $trace['function'], isset($trace['args'])?parse_args($trace['args']):'' ); } // Show line if (isset($trace['file']) && isset($trace['line'])) { echo sprintf(' in %s', parse_file($trace['file'], $trace['line'])); } echo "<br/>"; } echo "<hr/>\r\n"; } set_error_handler('myErrorHandler'); set_exception_handler('myExceptionHandler'); //do something being include_once 'include_func.php'; //do something end restore_error_handler(); restore_exception_handler();
<?php include_once 'A.class.php'; $a = new A(); $a->throwException(); if (rand(1, 10) > 5) { } else { //$a->triggerError(); }
<?php if(!function_exists('parse_padding')){ function parse_padding($source) { $length = strlen(strval(count($source['source']) + $source['first'])); return 40 + ($length - 1) * 8; } } if(!function_exists('parse_class')){ function parse_class($name) { $names = explode('\\', $name); return '<abbr title="'.$name.'">'.end($names).'</abbr>'; } } if(!function_exists('parse_file')){ function parse_file($file, $line) { return '<a class="toggle" title="'."{$file} line {$line}".'">'.basename($file)." line {$line}".'</a>'; } } if(!function_exists('parse_args')){ function parse_args($args) { $result = []; foreach ($args as $key => $item) { switch (true) { case is_object($item): $value = sprintf('<em>object</em>(%s)', parse_class(get_class($item))); break; case is_array($item): if(count($item) > 3){ $value = sprintf('[%s, ...]', parse_args(array_slice($item, 0, 3))); } else { $value = sprintf('[%s]', parse_args($item)); } break; case is_string($item): if(strlen($item) > 20){ $value = sprintf( '\'<a class="toggle" title="%s">%s</a>\'', htmlentities($item), htmlentities(substr($item, 0, 1500)) ); } else { $value = sprintf("'%s'", htmlentities($item)); } break; case is_int($item): case is_float($item): $value = $item; break; case is_null($item): $value = '<em>null</em>'; break; case is_bool($item): $value = '<em>' . ($item ? 'true' : 'false') . '</em>'; break; case is_resource($item): $value = '<em>resource</em>'; break; default: $value = htmlentities(str_replace("\n", '', var_export(strval($item), true))); break; } $result[] = is_int($key) ? $value : "'{$key}' => {$value}"; } return implode(', ', $result); } } function parse_file($file, $line) { return '<a class="toggle" title="'."{$file} line {$line}".'">'.$file." line {$line}".'</a>'; }
下面是C的源码 基本就是调用栈的反向遍历
ZEND_API void zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(zval *return_value, int skip_last, int options, int limit) /* {{{ */ { zend_execute_data *ptr, *skip, *call = NULL; zend_object *object; int lineno, frameno = 0; zend_function *func; zend_string *function_name; zend_string *filename; zend_string *include_filename = NULL; zval stack_frame, tmp; array_init(return_value); if (!(ptr = EG(current_execute_data))) { return; } if (!ptr->func || !ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type)) { call = ptr; ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data; } if (ptr) { if (skip_last) { /* skip debug_backtrace() */ call = ptr; ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data; } else { /* skip "new Exception()" */ if (ptr->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type) && (ptr->opline->opcode == ZEND_NEW)) { call = ptr; ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data; } } if (!call) { call = ptr; ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data; } } while (ptr && (limit == 0 || frameno < limit)) { frameno++; array_init(&stack_frame); ptr = zend_generator_check_placeholder_frame(ptr); skip = ptr; /* skip internal handler */ if (skip_internal_handler(skip)) { skip = skip->prev_execute_data; } if (skip->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(skip->func->common.type)) { filename = skip->func->op_array.filename; if (skip->opline->opcode == ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION) { if (EG(opline_before_exception)) { lineno = EG(opline_before_exception)->lineno; } else { lineno = skip->func->op_array.line_end; } } else { lineno = skip->opline->lineno; } ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, filename); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FILE), &tmp); ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, lineno); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_LINE), &tmp); /* try to fetch args only if an FCALL was just made - elsewise we're in the middle of a function * and debug_baktrace() might have been called by the error_handler. in this case we don't * want to pop anything of the argument-stack */ } else { zend_execute_data *prev_call = skip; zend_execute_data *prev = skip->prev_execute_data; while (prev) { if (prev_call && prev_call->func && !ZEND_USER_CODE(prev_call->func->common.type) && !(prev_call->func->common.fn_flags & ZEND_ACC_CALL_VIA_TRAMPOLINE)) { break; } if (prev->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(prev->func->common.type)) { ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, prev->func->op_array.filename); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FILE), &tmp); ZVAL_LONG(&tmp, prev->opline->lineno); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_LINE), &tmp); break; } prev_call = prev; prev = prev->prev_execute_data; } filename = NULL; } /* $this may be passed into regular internal functions */ object = (call && (Z_TYPE(call->This) == IS_OBJECT)) ? Z_OBJ(call->This) : NULL; if (call && call->func) { func = call->func; function_name = (func->common.scope && func->common.scope->trait_aliases) ? zend_resolve_method_name( (object ? object->ce : func->common.scope), func) : func->common.function_name; } else { func = NULL; function_name = NULL; } if (function_name) { ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, function_name); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FUNCTION), &tmp); if (object) { if (func->common.scope) { ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, func->common.scope->name); } else if (object->handlers->get_class_name == zend_std_get_class_name) { ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, object->ce->name); } else { ZVAL_STR(&tmp, object->handlers->get_class_name(object)); } zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_CLASS), &tmp); if ((options & DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT) != 0) { ZVAL_OBJ(&tmp, object); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_OBJECT), &tmp); Z_ADDREF(tmp); } ZVAL_INTERNED_STR(&tmp, ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_OBJECT_OPERATOR)); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_TYPE), &tmp); } else if (func->common.scope) { ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, func->common.scope->name); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_CLASS), &tmp); ZVAL_INTERNED_STR(&tmp, ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM)); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_TYPE), &tmp); } if ((options & DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) == 0 && func->type != ZEND_EVAL_CODE) { debug_backtrace_get_args(call, &tmp); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_ARGS), &tmp); } } else { /* i know this is kinda ugly, but i'm trying to avoid extra cycles in the main execution loop */ zend_bool build_filename_arg = 1; zend_string *pseudo_function_name; if (!ptr->func || !ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type) || ptr->opline->opcode != ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL) { /* can happen when calling eval from a custom sapi */ pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_UNKNOWN); build_filename_arg = 0; } else switch (ptr->opline->extended_value) { case ZEND_EVAL: pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_EVAL); build_filename_arg = 0; break; case ZEND_INCLUDE: pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_INCLUDE); break; case ZEND_REQUIRE: pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_REQUIRE); break; case ZEND_INCLUDE_ONCE: pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_INCLUDE_ONCE); break; case ZEND_REQUIRE_ONCE: pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_REQUIRE_ONCE); break; default: /* this can actually happen if you use debug_backtrace() in your error_handler and * you're in the top-scope */ pseudo_function_name = ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_UNKNOWN); build_filename_arg = 0; break; } if (build_filename_arg && include_filename) { zval arg_array; array_init(&arg_array); /* include_filename always points to the last filename of the last last called-function. if we have called include in the frame above - this is the file we have included. */ ZVAL_STR_COPY(&tmp, include_filename); zend_hash_next_index_insert_new(Z_ARRVAL(arg_array), &tmp); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_ARGS), &arg_array); } ZVAL_INTERNED_STR(&tmp, pseudo_function_name); zend_hash_add_new(Z_ARRVAL(stack_frame), ZSTR_KNOWN(ZEND_STR_FUNCTION), &tmp); } zend_hash_next_index_insert_new(Z_ARRVAL_P(return_value), &stack_frame); include_filename = filename; call = skip; ptr = skip->prev_execute_data; } } /* }}} */ /* {{{ proto array debug_backtrace([int options[, int limit]]) Return backtrace as array */ ZEND_FUNCTION(debug_backtrace) { zend_long options = DEBUG_BACKTRACE_PROVIDE_OBJECT; zend_long limit = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|ll", &options, &limit) == FAILURE) { return; } zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(return_value, 1, options, limit); }
debug_print_backtrace:这个跟上面类似 只是没有返回直接调用print 打印输出了
ZEND_FUNCTION(debug_print_backtrace) { zend_execute_data *call, *ptr, *skip; zend_object *object; int lineno, frameno = 0; zend_function *func; const char *function_name; const char *filename; zend_string *class_name = NULL; char *call_type; const char *include_filename = NULL; zval arg_array; int indent = 0; zend_long options = 0; zend_long limit = 0; if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS(), "|ll", &options, &limit) == FAILURE) { return; } ZVAL_UNDEF(&arg_array); ptr = EX(prev_execute_data); /* skip debug_backtrace() */ call = ptr; ptr = ptr->prev_execute_data; while (ptr && (limit == 0 || frameno < limit)) { frameno++; class_name = NULL; call_type = NULL; ZVAL_UNDEF(&arg_array); ptr = zend_generator_check_placeholder_frame(ptr); skip = ptr; /* skip internal handler */ if (skip_internal_handler(skip)) { skip = skip->prev_execute_data; } if (skip->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(skip->func->common.type)) { filename = ZSTR_VAL(skip->func->op_array.filename); if (skip->opline->opcode == ZEND_HANDLE_EXCEPTION) { if (EG(opline_before_exception)) { lineno = EG(opline_before_exception)->lineno; } else { lineno = skip->func->op_array.line_end; } } else { lineno = skip->opline->lineno; } } else { filename = NULL; lineno = 0; } /* $this may be passed into regular internal functions */ object = (Z_TYPE(call->This) == IS_OBJECT) ? Z_OBJ(call->This) : NULL; if (call->func) { zend_string *zend_function_name; func = call->func; if (func->common.scope && func->common.scope->trait_aliases) { zend_function_name = zend_resolve_method_name(object ? object->ce : func->common.scope, func); } else { zend_function_name = func->common.function_name; } if (zend_function_name != NULL) { function_name = ZSTR_VAL(zend_function_name); } else { function_name = NULL; } } else { func = NULL; function_name = NULL; } if (function_name) { if (object) { if (func->common.scope) { class_name = func->common.scope->name; } else if (object->handlers->get_class_name == zend_std_get_class_name) { class_name = object->ce->name; } else { class_name = object->handlers->get_class_name(object); } call_type = "->"; } else if (func->common.scope) { class_name = func->common.scope->name; call_type = "::"; } else { class_name = NULL; call_type = NULL; } if (func->type != ZEND_EVAL_CODE) { if ((options & DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS) == 0) { debug_backtrace_get_args(call, &arg_array); } } } else { /* i know this is kinda ugly, but i'm trying to avoid extra cycles in the main execution loop */ zend_bool build_filename_arg = 1; if (!ptr->func || !ZEND_USER_CODE(ptr->func->common.type) || ptr->opline->opcode != ZEND_INCLUDE_OR_EVAL) { /* can happen when calling eval from a custom sapi */ function_name = "unknown"; build_filename_arg = 0; } else switch (ptr->opline->extended_value) { case ZEND_EVAL: function_name = "eval"; build_filename_arg = 0; break; case ZEND_INCLUDE: function_name = "include"; break; case ZEND_REQUIRE: function_name = "require"; break; case ZEND_INCLUDE_ONCE: function_name = "include_once"; break; case ZEND_REQUIRE_ONCE: function_name = "require_once"; break; default: /* this can actually happen if you use debug_backtrace() in your error_handler and * you're in the top-scope */ function_name = "unknown"; build_filename_arg = 0; break; } if (build_filename_arg && include_filename) { array_init(&arg_array); add_next_index_string(&arg_array, (char*)include_filename); } call_type = NULL; } zend_printf("#%-2d ", indent); if (class_name) { ZEND_PUTS(ZSTR_VAL(class_name)); ZEND_PUTS(call_type); if (object && !func->common.scope && object->handlers->get_class_name != zend_std_get_class_name) { zend_string_release_ex(class_name, 0); } } zend_printf("%s(", function_name); if (Z_TYPE(arg_array) != IS_UNDEF) { debug_print_backtrace_args(&arg_array); zval_ptr_dtor(&arg_array); } if (filename) { zend_printf(") called at [%s:%d]\n", filename, lineno); } else { zend_execute_data *prev_call = skip; zend_execute_data *prev = skip->prev_execute_data; while (prev) { if (prev_call && prev_call->func && !ZEND_USER_CODE(prev_call->func->common.type)) { prev = NULL; break; } if (prev->func && ZEND_USER_CODE(prev->func->common.type)) { zend_printf(") called at [%s:%d]\n", ZSTR_VAL(prev->func->op_array.filename), prev->opline->lineno); break; } prev_call = prev; prev = prev->prev_execute_data; } if (!prev) { ZEND_PUTS(")\n"); } } include_filename = filename; call = skip; ptr = skip->prev_execute_data; ++indent; } }