<?php /** *状态模式-事物的状态 定义:状态模式允许对象在内部状态改变时改变它的行为,对象看起来好像修改了它的类。 就按照糖果机的例子,自动售卖机的例子 分别有 正常销售,售罄,没有投入硬币,投入硬币 四个状态 */ interface State{ public function insertQuater(); //塞入硬币 public function ejectQuater(); //弹出硬币 public function turnCrank();//拉动曲柄 public function dispense(); //出货 } /** * *@desc 没有投入硬币的状态 */ class NoQuarterState implements State{ public $gumballMachine; public function __construct(GumballMachine &$gumballMachine){ $this->gumballMachine = $gumballMachine; } public function insertQuater(){ echo "You insert a quarter \r\n"; $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getHasQuarterState()); } public function ejectQuater(){ echo "You haven't inserted a quarter \r\n"; } public function turnCrank(){ echo "You turned,but there is no quarter \r\n"; } public function dispense(){ echo "You need to pay first \r\n"; } } /** * @desc 已经投入硬币了 */ class HasQuarterState implements State{ public $gumballMachine; public function __construct(GumballMachine &$gumballMachine){ $this->gumballMachine = $gumballMachine; } public function insertQuater(){ echo "You cant't insert another quarter! \r\n"; } public function ejectQuater(){ echo "Quarter returned \r\n"; $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getNoQuarterState()); } public function turnCrank(){ echo "You turned \r\n"; if( (rand(1,2) == 1) && ($this->gumballMachine->getCount() > 1) ){ //如果是幸运玩家 并且有足够的球 这里是两颗 就进入幸运状态 否则就正常售卖 这个随便概率了 $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getWinnerState()); } else { $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getSoldState()); } } public function dispense(){ echo "No gumball dispensed \r\n"; } } /** * @desc 售卖中 */ class SoldState implements State{ public $gumballMachine; public function __construct(GumballMachine &$gumballMachine){ $this->gumballMachine = $gumballMachine; } public function insertQuater(){ echo "Please wait,we're already giving you a gumball \r\n"; } public function ejectQuater(){ echo "Sorry ,you already turned the crank \r\n"; } public function turnCrank(){ echo " Turning twice doesn't get you another gumball !\r\n"; } public function dispense(){ //出货 $this->gumballMachine->releaseBall(); if($this->gumballMachine->getCount() > 0){ //如果还有存货 $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getNoQuarterState()); } else { //如果没有存货了 $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getSoldOutState()); } } } /** * @desc 售罄状况 */ class SoldOutState implements State{ public $gumballMachine; public function __construct(GumballMachine &$gumballMachine){ $this->gumballMachine = $gumballMachine; } public function insertQuater(){ echo "You can't insert a quarter,the mechine is sold out!\r\n"; } public function ejectQuater(){ echo "You haven't inserted a quarter \r\n"; } public function turnCrank(){ echo "You turned,but there is no quarter \r\n"; } public function dispense(){ echo "No gumball dispensed \r\n"; } } /** * @desc 特殊情况 有概率发放两个球 */ class WinnerState implements State{ public $gumballMachine; public function __construct(GumballMachine &$gumballMachine){ $this->gumballMachine = $gumballMachine; } public function insertQuater(){ echo "Please wait,we're already giving you a gumball \r\n"; } public function ejectQuater(){ echo "Sorry ,you already turned the crank \r\n"; } public function turnCrank(){ echo " Turning twice doesn't get you another gumball !\r\n"; } public function dispense(){ //出货 echo " You're a winner!You get two gumballs for your quarter!\r\n"; $this->gumballMachine->releaseBall(); //出球 if($this->gumballMachine->getCount() > 0){ //如果还有存货 $this->gumballMachine->releaseBall(); //再出出球 if($this->gumballMachine->getCount() > 0){ //如果还有存货 $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getNoQuarterState()); } else { //如果没有存货了 $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getSoldOutState()); } } else { //如果没有存货了 $this->gumballMachine->setState($this->gumballMachine->getSoldOutState()); } } } /** * * @desc 糖果机 * */ class GumballMachine{ public $soldOutState; //售罄状态 public $noQuarterState; //未投币状态 public $hasQuarterState; //已经投币状态 public $soldState; //售卖中状态 public $winnerState;// 中奖状态 public $state; //保存各个状态的状态值 public $count = 0; //当前数量 public function __construct($count){ $this->soldOutState = new SoldOutState($this); $this->noQuarterState = new NoQuarterState($this); $this->hasQuarterState = new HasQuarterState($this); $this->soldState = new SoldState($this); $this->winnerState = new WinnerState($this); $this->count = $count; if($count > 0){ $this->state = $this->noQuarterState; } } public function insertQuater(){ //塞入硬币 $this->state->insertQuater(); } public function ejectQuater(){ $this->state->ejectQuater(); } public function turnCrank(){ $this->state->turnCrank(); $this->state->dispense(); } public function setState($state){ $this->state = $state; } public function releaseBall(){ //出库操作 echo "A gumball commes rolling out the slot ...\r\n"; if($this->count != 0){ $this->count = $this->count - 1; } } public function getSoldOutState(){ return $this->soldOutState; } public function getNoQuarterState(){ return $this->noQuarterState; } public function getHasQuarterState(){ return $this->hasQuarterState; } public function getSoldState(){ return $this->soldState; } public function getWinnerState(){ return $this->winnerState; } public function getCount(){ return $this->count; } } //实例一个存货100的糖果机器 进行1000次随机操作 $gumballMachine = new GumballMachine(10); $i=100; while($i>0){ $action = rand(1,3); if($action == 1){ $gumballMachine->insertQuater(); //投硬币 }elseif($action == 2){ $gumballMachine->ejectQuater(); //退硬币 }elseif($action == 3){ $gumballMachine->turnCrank(); //拉杆 } $i--; }